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MORINAGA SHIELD, 33g Lactic acid bacteria or "edible mask"

MORINAGA SHIELD, 33g Lactic acid bacteria or "edible mask"

Regular price ₴450.00 UAH
Regular price Sale price ₴450.00 UAH
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A novelty from Japan, SHIELD vitamins (candies, pills) or "edible mask" from the company Morinaga.

Lactic acid bacteria are an unrivaled source of indispensable building materials for the body - complete protein and calcium, which are easily absorbed and promote the growth of children.

Lactic acid bacteria convert the main protein of milk into casein, breaking down long chains of protein molecules into shorter peptides and amino acids that are easier to digest and less allergenic.

"Edible Mask" are candies that contain 3,340,000,000 lactic acid bacteria in one pack. As shown by Japanese studies, milk bacteria are able to resist many viruses. They were made especially for kids who don't like to wear medical masks and also for students etc.

Another big plus is that the vitamins have a yogurt flavor that everyone will like! In a day, you can dissolve three pieces, which, upon entering the mouth, begin to dissolve - hiss, which allows you to distribute the medicine evenly throughout the throat, killing the existing bacteria inside and preventing the appearance of new bacteria. In addition, these pills will help with dry throat.

Bifidobacteria "Shield" (proprietary development of Morinaga Milk Products Co., Ltd.) stand guard over intestinal microflora, have increased resistance to adverse environment.

Candy also contains glucose, which helps brain function, and vitamin C.

Application: 3 pieces per day.

Manufacturer: MORINAGA, Japan.

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