
Для чого потрібен організму колаген?

Why does the body need collagen?

This substance is one of the most common and unique structural proteins. It acts as a "building material" for teeth, bone apparatus, muscles, skin, and connective tissues. It is about...

Why does the body need collagen?

This substance is one of the most common and unique structural proteins. It acts as a "building material" for teeth, bone apparatus, muscles, skin, and connective tissues. It is about...

Як боротися зі стресом?

How to deal with stress?

Modern people, most often, are characterized by a very active and fast rhythm of life, precisely because it is not surprising that many are in a state of stress. This...

How to deal with stress?

Modern people, most often, are characterized by a very active and fast rhythm of life, precisely because it is not surprising that many are in a state of stress. This...

Як правильно приймати вітаміни і БАДи?

How to take vitamins and nutritional supplement...

Vitamins of group B and C (water-soluble) are taken during or after meals. Vitamins A, E, D, K (fat-soluble) are taken with food containing fat (for example, eggs, meat, salads...

How to take vitamins and nutritional supplement...

Vitamins of group B and C (water-soluble) are taken during or after meals. Vitamins A, E, D, K (fat-soluble) are taken with food containing fat (for example, eggs, meat, salads...